Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Eternal Aspirations

Have you ever noticed that every time you set a goal you work toward it with everything you have and when you finally reach it you feel a great since of accomplishment but soon find a new goal to strive for?

Well the Bible says that we are to conform to the image of God and strive to become more like Him. But it also states that ” for all have fallen short of the glory of God.” Well then, how are we to become like Him? Here’s a hint: we can’t. But we can obey Him and try to please Him in everything we do, no, we won’t always get it right, but that’s why He’s God and we’re not. That’s why I call it eternal aspirations, I am, just as it says, eternally trying to aspire to something greater than myself. That’s also why I’m “trying, but still only human.” I am aspiring to something greater than human, but even though I know I can never reach my goal of righteousness, I won’t give up and so my aspirations are eternal. Good luck with your own aspirations!

Currently reaching for Heaven,


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